September 18, 2010

My success in gymnastic competitions


In gymnastics you can start competing when you are in level 4. My first meet was in April of 2009 when I was 9 years old. I did really good in level 4 and found that I loved being in the spotlight and the thrill of competitions.

When I was in level 4 I went to the Utah Summer Games in Cedar City (June '09). I had a great expereince there and was even interviewed and featured in the local newspaper. Here is the newspaper article photo.

At the games I placed 1st on floor and 1st on beam and 2nd all around. Here I am with my 2nd place all around.

My coaches were great and really taught me a lot and supported me. I loved level 4 and have many ribbons and metals from that season.


I moved up to level 5 the next season. It was fun and also challenging for me. I ended up placing 1st on beam, 2nd on floor and 4th all around at the fall state meet (Nov '09) for level 5.  Here I am recieving my 1st place metal at state meet for beam.


Once again I was able to move up the next season to level 6. Higher levels are harder and require more practice time in the gym. At this point I moved to a more competitive gym called Black Diamond. I loved my new coach and my new team.  My competetion season in level 6 was fun but also rough because I was starting to have trouble with my feet. My arches were very weak and I need to wear orthotics to help. I enjoy the harder routines and learing new skills.

One cool thing we got to do was help at one of the U of U gym meets and be on the floor. I got to hold up scores for the vault. It was fun because I got to see the gymnasts up close and I got their autographs after. It was a really neat experience that I will always remember.