June 28, 2012

Handstand Across the World: Kenya

Yes, that's really me. I had the opportunity to go to Kenya, Africa. And of course, I did a little gymnastics. This is me on the Indian Ocean. I was enjoying the sunrise while y'all back home were just getting ready for bed.

June 18, 2012

June 16, 2012

November 12, 2011

I started teaching again!!!

Hi everyone! Long time, no see. Well, I just wanted to say that I have finished my 4th season of competition, and I will soon start teaching gymnastics again. I haven't decided if I will teach in my basement or at a gym, but I will let all of my students know when I have decided. I want to tell all of my gymnasts that they are absolutely amazing, and they make teaching gymnastics so much fun.

Thanks again!

-Coach Cali

July 12, 2011

BYU gymnastics camp

So, this Summer I got the chance to go to a week long summer camp. It was so amazing! I met so many friends there and I improved a lot on my gymnastics skills. It was really fun because we got to stay in the dorms and train where the BYU gymnasts train. Even better, they were our coaches and councelors!  

Thanks! Hope y'all are having an AWESOME summer!!!!!!

-Coach Cali

December 10, 2010


On December 16, we will be having a short graduation. Parents are welcome to come to the last 15 minutes of their child's class. The gymnasts will be receiving an award for working so hard. I strongly encourage you to come to support your child in the things that they have learned.
Thank you all so much!

-Coach Cali

September 19, 2010

Fall Class Registration Has Begun

Sign up today for fall gymnastics taught by me, Cali. Classes start October 4th.

It is for 3-5 year old boys and girls. Check out the links on the side for schedules and pricing.

Hope to hear from you soon.

My BIG and HARD decision

Gymnastics has been my life for the past 4 years. I really love everything about it. I have been very fortunate to have had such great coaches and been apart of great teams. I have learned a lot of skills in gym and it has made me the person I am today. I have been blessed to have been able to do well and have so much success at such a young age.

Unfortunately I have decided to quit gymnastics. It was a very hard decision. I few months ago I started having issues with my feet and arches. I have very flat feet and that is a problem in gymnastics. I wasn't able to do all I needed to do to progress and be ready to compete. Also I sprained my ankle and that was hard too.

The main reason I decided to quit is because I didn't have time to do anything else that interested me including spending time with my family. I was at such a high level of training and competitions that I was gone away from my family for 3 or 4 hours each day after school.  I am excited to try new things and have more balance with my time.

It is very hard to leave gymnastics, my coaches, my friends and the sport that I love. So that is why I am going to start classes for little kids so I can share with them the things that I know and still be apart of gymnastics. And I hope to make a difference in the lives of my students.

Summer Gym Camp 2010 at Twirl and Twist Gym

I really love kids and I love gymnastics so I decided to add the two together and do a summer gym camp for 4 and 5 year olds. It was a great success. I had it all set up in our basement. There is a floor, beam, bar and a runway for vault, (I am still hoping to get a springboard sometime soon). It was once a week for an hour and it went for 5 weeks. I charged $ .50 each student per week. I wasn't doing it for the money but it was fun to get paid a little. I even had a little graduation at the end of the five weeks and made certificates for the kids. It was one of the highlights of my summer.

My students worked so hard and always did their best! I hope to see you all again in classes this fall.  Here we are at graduation!

September 18, 2010

Black Diamond Gymnastics Level 6

My gym workouts

Once I switched gyms and coaches my workouts became longer and more challenging. I really had to push myself. We have to condition for an hour each day at the start of workouts and then we rotate to each event for 45 min each. I love being in the gym.

My success in gymnastic competitions


In gymnastics you can start competing when you are in level 4. My first meet was in April of 2009 when I was 9 years old. I did really good in level 4 and found that I loved being in the spotlight and the thrill of competitions.

When I was in level 4 I went to the Utah Summer Games in Cedar City (June '09). I had a great expereince there and was even interviewed and featured in the local newspaper. Here is the newspaper article photo.

At the games I placed 1st on floor and 1st on beam and 2nd all around. Here I am with my 2nd place all around.

My coaches were great and really taught me a lot and supported me. I loved level 4 and have many ribbons and metals from that season.


I moved up to level 5 the next season. It was fun and also challenging for me. I ended up placing 1st on beam, 2nd on floor and 4th all around at the fall state meet (Nov '09) for level 5.  Here I am recieving my 1st place metal at state meet for beam.


Once again I was able to move up the next season to level 6. Higher levels are harder and require more practice time in the gym. At this point I moved to a more competitive gym called Black Diamond. I loved my new coach and my new team.  My competetion season in level 6 was fun but also rough because I was starting to have trouble with my feet. My arches were very weak and I need to wear orthotics to help. I enjoy the harder routines and learing new skills.

One cool thing we got to do was help at one of the U of U gym meets and be on the floor. I got to hold up scores for the vault. It was fun because I got to see the gymnasts up close and I got their autographs after. It was a really neat experience that I will always remember.

My start in gymnastics

 I was in gymnastics when I was 4 and 5 years old. And then came back to try it again when I was 7 years old and I have been doing it ever since.

I was in level 1-3 at the Legacy Center before I started competing. I learned how to do a lot there and I loved all my coaches.